ScotSoft 2016 – Advanced Git and Github usage

I attended the ScotSoft 2016 conference way back in October 2016. I was asked to do a brief ten minute talk for the company that I work for monthly TechX event.  The talk that I chose to discuss was Advanced Git and GitHub by Mike McQuaid.  Mike works for GitHub and wrote a book called Git In Practice.  I thought it might be useful if I also wrote down in a blog post what I spoke about at the TechX event. 

So without any further ado, here it is:

Since joining the company I have used Git in a number of projects and for about a year and a half I have been GitLab Admin in our sector and a wee bit beyond. Using Git almost daily, you are just really using the commands clone, checkout, commit, push, pull, and occasionally branch.  Being a GitLab Admin, I’m trying to improve my Git skills and learn more because when someone comes to you, you want to help in any way that you can and give them the correct information. I thought the ScotSoft talk might help.

Mike’s talk was fast paced and involved him going through a large number of commands explaining what they were and giving small examples of how to use them.  I was interested in learning from someone that had advanced knowledge and eager to pick up any tips and tricks from an expert.  For me there can be a wee bit of fear when dealing with the edge cases when merges go wrong, commits go missing, or you push the wrong branch.

Git Commands

The talk was based around GitHub but Mike had to explain the Git commands to do the GitHub chat. I can’t remember him going into too much detail about GitHub, maybe the occasional url or reference to GitHub GUI. I vaguely remember him referencing SourceTree first in the talk but could be mistaken.

A list of commands that I had in my notebook are:

gitk (Windows and Linux) and gitx (Mac).

gitk comes with git but gitx is a clone of gitk for the Mac (open source). It allows you to see commits and branches visually. Clicking on each line allows you to see the commit message and the details around the commit. Before I knew this existed I used SourceTree (other Git GUIs available) for this purpose because I like a visual representation of my commits and branches.


git blame displays the every single of line and tells you who changed it. I have only ever seen this within GitLab by clicking a button and seeing a visual representation rather than at the command line.


Scan through history quickly.

If you have a bug and you know at what commit that bug didn’t exist, you could traverse through your commits checking and marking that commit as bad until you reach the good one.


  • git bisect start – kicks off the process by cleaning up any previous bisect operations.
  • git bisect bad – would mark the current commit as bad and checkout the next commit.
  • git bisect good – would mark the current commit as good.
  • git bisect run ls <filename> – have some of testing of that code for bug on each commit and let “run” go through the commands until that test passes.


Reuse recorded resolution. It is not enabled by default.  To enable you would type, “git config –global rerere.enabled true

If you are finding yourself fixing the same merge conflict again and again, this command can look at the input files and git knows you have solved it before and used the resolved version of the file instead of the conflicted one.

The git merge command would print out an extra message detailing that it has done the action above but you would still need to commit in case you did not want to go ahead with the action for any reason.

Mike has never seen the command doing the wrong thing.


Personally configure git


  • User details
  • Aliases


Generate a version number based on tags.  If you have a tag but have a one or more commits after the tag.


  • · V1.0- n- sha1


It is very hard to lose information that you have committed.

A history of the commits is kept in Git (for about 30 days), every action is recorded. It has to be on the same machine. Think of it like when a banking website records the places/actions you have performed on their site or the government records every website you have visited for a year.

git reflog – commits to the head pointer.


Moves the parent of a branch.

If you create a branch from a tag but then realise that the branch should have been taken from a release branch instead of deleting the branch and creating a new branch from the release branch you can rebase with the release branch and move the parent commit over to release. Rebase will replay the commits and rewrite the history.

After a merge conflict, you will need to run git rebase –continue

-i: advanced version that allow you play about with commits. You can move commits, edit commit messages, squash to meld commits.

Filter branch

Let’s the git user rewrite the history. Goes through the entire history to find and remove a file. You would need to get other people to re-clone their repository.

Cherry pick

The command can be used to select a commit from another branch typically and adds it to the current or another branch.


It can be used to view if the cherry pick has gone a bit wrong. The man pages say that it would find commits yet to be applied to the upstream (I take the upstream to mean remote branch).

Subversion (SVN) / Team Foundation Server (TFS)

Git SVN is part of Git

Talks to SVN repo, not just for migration, can be used for SVN repo clone, create branches, merge and submit back to subversion.

Clone the trunk of the SVN repository and you can use git locally creating branches and merging those branches back into the main trunk then pushed back into the subversion repository.

git-tfs is provides the same function as SVN but you will need to download from GitHub and configure. This wasn’t part of the talk but I thought it was worth mentioning while talking about the inbuilt Git SVN.

Housekeeping – commit messages

Like an email, first line subject, other lines body.


In conclusion, I found the talk to be fast paced and sometimes that led to him talk about something with you saying “Wait a minute, what?” and Mike had already moved onto a different command or discussion.  As time did march on, Mike said at one point that he wasn’t going to cover some commands in any big detail but he designed his talks so that the listener could try these commands out and research them.

I did enjoy the talk and I now appreciate how difficult it is standing up in front of people trying to produce content. I had started a “TechX project” at home to showcase and understand some of commands during this talk. However, I don’t think it would have quite worked with the time and probably could not get a repository big enough to demonstrate all the commands.

What I got most from Mike’s talk is that there are the tools in Git that allow the user to recover and it removes ”the fear” when you are going to do something slightly advanced and out of your comfort zone.

A video of the same talk at Java One

Updating SourceTree and Git Bash

I recently updated my SourceTree application and found that I could no longer use the Git Bash terminal.

This error appeared when I clicked on the Terminal button at the top right corner of the application

It has not been possible to start the Git Bash terminal”. 

This isn’t the most informative error message that I’ve ever seen.  I typed the error message into Google to see if I could get a better description of the issues that would cause SourceTree to behave in this manner.   Most of the advice centres on upgrading Git Bash to v2.6.3 or rolling back to previous version of SourceTree.  There are a couple of tickets raised for this issue on the public SourceTree Atlassian Jira however the ones that I have seen are either duplicates, which have been closed and refer to tickets that I need to log in to see or they are slight variations of the issue.  So I thought I’d document what I did and see if it will help someone out.


  1. Download version 2.6.3 of Git.  You can either go to or I’ve started to use to install new software on my machines.  You need to install chocolatey first (the instructions are on the main page) and then run whatever command line application that you use.  Type something like “choco install git”, this will go away and download the chocolatey package and then silently install the application.
  2. If you haven’t set up chocolatey then double click on the downloaded application.  This will run the setup for Git.  You can set this up the way that you like it but I went with the defaults (aside from selecting the options to create shortcut on the desktop and adding Git Bash to the right click menu).

Note: I experienced several issues relating to the installation, which might be only on my local machine but worth documenting none the less.


  1. At the end of the install, it would hang and never complete.  I had to end the task using task manager and then delete the directory that it had installed into.  Then restart the installation.
  2. Occasionally on some attempts at the install, it would try to uninstall the last version.  It would end in failure because it could not find the unins000 files and give you no choice to abort.  The files were in the installation folder however, I could not reference them.  On this occasion, I used Revo Uninstaller to get rid of all references.
  3. If I didn’t get rid of all references to the folder where it was installing to, it would fling random errors relating to files not being found to it could not create directory tmp.

The safe thing to do is to clear the directory out.  I’ve also got it installed on the root of my C: drive.

Now with Git install, we are onto starting Git Bash independently of SourceTree.  When I first started bash.exe, it was just disappearing.  When I started the the bash.exe in a command prompt, I could see that it was giving the error message “Access is denied”.  This was because my firewall Comodo was blocking the executable from running.  I had to add bash.exe to the list of allowed applications for Defense+ within the HIPS section.  To do this I went to Comodo (it is on Advanced View).  You can select this option by right-clicking on the Comodo tray icon and selecting “Advanced View”. 


  • Open Comodo
  • Click on HIPS
  • Settings should open up
  • Select HIPS Rules
  • Click on upwards arrow at the bottom of the screen.
  • Click Add
  • Browse for the application (in my case, C:\Git\bin\bash.exe)
  • Use ruleset of allowed application
  • Click OK.

You might need have to add mintty.exe ( in the Git\user\bin as well but it is same process as above.  The Git Bash should now start as the firewall is no longer treating the application as a blocked intrusion. 

The last thing to do, is to open up SourceTree and click on terminal.  Git Bash should now open. Also, go to Tools –Options – Git.  If you use system git the version should now be 2.6.3.

In conclusion, this is task that shouldn’t take that long but can be frustrating if you hit small errors.  I hope if you are hitting these errors then this post will help.  As ever if there are better ways of doing anything described here I would like to hear it.

GitLab: Reload with full diff

Recently I had to code review a merge request with a large number of changed files.  There were so many files that GitLab could not show the full diff.

In this circumstance, GitLab gives the user the option of reloading the full diff with warning that it could affect the performance.  I needed to see the full diff because the other option was going through the file list and using another diff tool on the individual files to see what had changed, good or bad.  That wasn’t really what I wanted to do.

When I clicked on the reload button, after a few seconds, Notepad opened up with the full diff inside it.  It wasn’t easily legible. This wouldn’t have been my preferred option.


I found out that tweaking the url slightly fixes the issue:


Removing the “.json” from the url will show the diff where you would expect it to be, in GitLab.  It is formatted nicer than Notepad.

It has been reported that this had been fixed in version 7.10 but at time of writing our version of GitLab is at 7.13.4. 

Until it is finally resolved, the above solution is a workaround if you run into this problem.

Setting up SSH keys for a Git repository using SourceTree and BitBucket

For the past year or so, we’ve been using Git as our version control system.  My introduction to the GUIs around Git was SourceTree (although I’ve made an effort to learn the commands) but I have also used poshgit and Git Bash.  Recently, we’ve started using SSH keys instead of HTTPS and I had to learn how to set up my repositories with SSH.  Everywhere and everyone tells you this is straight forward and it is when the critical path works but when something is wrong, it gets more difficult.  A lot of unnecessarily complex documents does not help either.  So I’m going to details all the steps that I took in the hope that it could helps someone.

My setup for this task is Git (you can use the embedded git within SourceTree), SourceTree and BitBucket (previously used Google Drive to host my git repositories).

Stage 1 – Generating a SSH key

  • Open SourceTree and click on the Terminal icon (this is Git Bash)


  • Type the following command in
    • ls –all ~/.ssh (this will list any existing ssh keys in C:\Users\\.ssh, this is the default but can be changed when generating the key).
  • Next, generate the key
    • ssh-keygen –t rsa –b 4096 –C
    • It will ask you where you’d like to store the files, I accepted the default but you can specify a directory if you wish.
    • Then enter a passphrase, I would recommend you provide a passphrase from a security standpoint.
    • You should now see this this:
Your identification has been saved in /Users/you/.ssh/id_rsa.
# Your public key has been saved in /Users/you/.ssh/
# The key fingerprint is:
# 01:0f:f4:3b:ca:85:d6:17:a1:7d:f0:68:9d:f0:a2:db
  • There should be two key files id_rsa (private) and now created.

Stage 2 – SSH-agent

  • Still using the terminal (Git Bash) in SourceTree, type:
      • eval $(ssh-agent).  There are many ways to start the SSH agent but this is only way it would work for me.  It should give you a process id back, something like, Agent pid 1234
  • Finally using this command to add the new key
    • ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
    • If successful, the output should say that an identity has been created.
    • You should never have to type in the passphrase again.

Stage 3 – Added the SSH key to your BitBucket account

  • Log into BitBucket
  • Select the icon on the top right of the browser and select Manage Account
  • From the Security menu, select SSH Key then Add Key
  • Add you public key ( to the text area and then Add Key again

Note, your public key in this file is in a different format from what BitBucket expects.  My recommendation for this scenario is to go to SourceTree – Tools – Create or Import SSH Keys.  This starts a Putty Generator that has the ability to load existing keys.  The generator will then show the public key in a user friendly format to be copied and used within BitBucket.


Stage 4 –SourceTree

In Stage 1, the SSH key was generated and set up for the Git Bash terminal, now we want to take that SSH key and use it within the SourceTree GUI.

  • First step is to go to Tools – Create or Import SSH Key
  • Load your existing private key in.
  • Click on “Save Private Key”.  This has to be saved in the Putty .ppk format. I would recommend that you didn’t save this private key to the .ssh folder in case of conflicts between two keys.
  • Next is to launch the SSH agent – Putty comes with SourceTree.
  • Make sure Pagent is running ( little computer with a hat on sitting in your windows tray).


  • Add the key to the SSH agent by right clicking on Putty Pagent and selecting “Add Key”. It is Pagent that stops the user from entering the passphrase all the time by holding key and making it available to SourceTree.
  • A further step is to add the .ppk key to Tools – Options – General – SSH Client Configuration.

That’s it! I was all around the houses trying to fix various errors and configure.  Some of the problems I faced were:

  • Permission denied (public key).  I believe it was a combination of errors on my part.  One, I had created too many key files in the .ssh directory and it didn’t know what one to choose.  Second, I hadn’t set up SourceTree correctly.  The SSH key had to be a .ppk key and not the id_rsa key, which I’d generated.
  • Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.  I believe this was down to me changing from Putty to OpenSSH.  OpenSSH just never launched, no wonder it couldn’t get a connection.
  • It took ages to clone a repository.  SourceTree GUI doesn’t give a lot of feedback with what is going on, not like Git Bash.  I thought it wasn’t working.

My tip would be to test the connection using “ssh –T”.  This command with provide decent feedback if you have or haven’t authenticated.  So open Git Bash and type this in.

A good topic for debate is why go to all the trouble of using SSH keys? Why not, use HTTPS and cache you account details in winstore?


Discovered this morning that if you shut SourceTree down, if you use the Git Bash terminal, you will need to repeat Stage 2.
